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Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP)

Lounge of Beauty Medical Spa

Medical Spa & Aesthetic & Wellness Clinic located in Long Beach, CA

What is a PRP Facial? How it Works, How Much it Costs, is it Safe? (And Everything Else You Need to Know!)

Facials are one of the most popular cosmetic treatments. One type of this procedure that has been become extremely famous, thanks to the attention it has got in the media because celebrities like Kim Kardashian have undergone it, is the PRP facial.

You’ve likely heard about it – you may know it by its other name as the “Vampire Facial”.

If you’re intrigued by this fast, effective, and natural way of combatting the signs of ageing, though, there is more you can learn.

On this page, you will find the answers to the most commonly asked questions about PRP facials.

What is a PRP facial?

A PRP or a platelet-rich plasma facial treatment is a rejuvenation treatment for your skin that is an alternative to a surgical facelift. It is notable and has attracted a lot of interest because the procedure uses your blood.

Human blood is made up of four main components – the aforementioned platelets and plasma and white blood cells and red blood cells.

When you have the treatment, a small sample of your blood is taken and placed into a centrifuge. This spins the blood around and separates the plasma and platelets from the red blood cells.

A topical cream is used to numb the treatment area and then hyaluronic acid is used to ensure your skin is free from pigmentation and fully hydrated before the plasma is spread across your face.

That may sound difficult to stomach, but is an important part of the process.

Then incredibly small needles are used to make sure the platelet-rich plasma gets down deep into your skin. This technique is known as micro-needling.

If you are a follower of celebrity culture and/or the Kardashians, you may have seen the images of Kim with small red dots all over her face w

When the experts in our office do PRP facials, many of our clients have tons of questions before the procedure begins. They’ve heard lots of rumors, facts, myths and sometimes misleading information about these new, skin-rejuvenation facials. The best way to deal with all the misinformation out there is to provide you with the cold facts about PRP (platelet-rich plasma) facials.

It’s always a good idea to educate yourself about any treatment you are considering, learn about its advantages, disadvantages, costs and other pertinent information. Here’s the lowdown on PRP facials:

What are PRP Facials?

You’ve probably heard of platelet-rich plasma facials, also known as PRP facials. The basic process begins with a technician drawing whole blood and then using a centrifuge to separate out the red cells. The remaining platelet-rich plasma is what’s used in the facial process.

Simply put, a PRP facial uses your own blood’s platelets and plasma on your face. The natural chemicals in your own PRP are slathered onto your face and then micro-needled into the skin during a short procedure. Once the plasma is in, it begins to do its work of rejuvenating your entire face, tightening wrinkled areas, and smoothing the overall look. It’s able to do that because PRP’s essential chemical components stimulate collagen growth.

Some people opt to have just one facial while others undergo a regular series of procedures. The more often you have a PRP facial, the longer the results of each treatment will last, which is about three to six months.

What are the key advantages of PRP facials and why are they so popular?

  • They truly transform the look of your skin in positive ways
  • There’s no chance for an allergic reaction because the plasma comes from your own body
  • Pain and discomfort is minimal and the procedure is short
  • What, Exactly, is a Treatment Like?

    Many of our clients know that a PRP facial can make them look healthier, younger, and generally wonderful in a short amount of time, but often have concerns about the procedure itself. After sitting down, our team members will briefly explain to you what’s going to happen. Here’s a quick outline:

    • A medical team member takes a small sample of your blood and places it in a centrifuge to isolate plasma and platelets from red cells. The red cells are not used in the procedure. This protein-rich plasma is what helps stimulate collagen production when infused into the skin of your face.
    • We use a topical cream to numb your skin about 20 minutes prior to treatment.
    • A first infusion is done with hyaluronic acid and/or phyto-boost to make sure the skin is fully hydrated and free of pigmentation.
    • The plasma is spread all over your face before the next step of the process.
    • The medical technician uses a micro-needling device on your forehead, cheeks, and other parts of your face to make sure the protein-rich substance is able to travel deep into the skin.
    • Micro-needing itself helps to stimulate collagen growth, so when used alongside an infusion of PRP, you’re getting a double effect of collagen-boosting.
    • When it’s over, you might notice a bit of superficial pain on your face and minor bruising from the micro-needling technique.
    • For deep lines and other troublesome areas of the facial skin, our team might use fillers or Botox to handle volume-deficient skin and small wrinkles.

    What are the Typical Results of PRP Facials?

    Results take a while to show up, especially after the very first facial you get. But most of our clients notice a generalized tightening of the skin within a few days, a glow and fullness to the entire face, and just an overall healthier look.

    Results can last several months. That’s why many people choose to have PRP facials a few times per year to maintain the results for anti-aging purposes. Initially, it’s best to have about 4-6 treatments at two-week intervals to deal with scarring, skin damage, and problem areas.

    What are the Key Advantages of a PRP Facial?

    Our clients have noticed many benefits from this treatment. Not only does it help the body create new elastin and collagen but it can virtually do away with wrinkles, acne scars, lines, stretch marks, and other types of scars. Plus, a PRP facial can deliver pronounced effects with better skin texture and tone.

    PRP facial experts at our clinic use the Dermapen micro-needling device. It enables our team members to perform the entire procedure with minimal pain and in a short period of time. The Dermapen essentially “stamps” the skin with very tiny needles. This unique treatment causes the body’s natural processes to go into effect. Skin begins to produce more collagen and elastin in response to the needling. Simultaneously, the body also responds to the platelet-rich plasma and works with it to create additional collagen and elastin.

    What are Some Myths and Facts About PRP Facials?

    Myth: PRP facials hurt.

    Fact: There’s slight discomfort for a few minutes during and after the procedure, but nothing significant.

    Myth: PRP facials are exorbitantly expensive.

    Fact: Depending on how many treatments you desire, a single facial is surprisingly affordable. A first treatment can range from just over $1,200 to just under $1,900.

    Myth: PRP facials are a form of surgery.

    Fact: They’re not surgery at all. This is one of the key advantages of PRP treatments.

    Myth: There is a risk of infection.

    Fact: Because the PRP facial uses your own blood plasma and platelets, there’s no risk of getting infected.

    Myth: PRP facials offer instant results and are better than face-lift surgery.

    Fact: Precisely because the PRP facial is not surgery, it takes a while for results to appear. The big plus, in this case, is that non-surgical procedures cost much less than surgeries, so a PRP facial delivers excellent results without the high cost, or risks, of surgery. For people who have extremely damaged or aged skin, however, a face-lift might be a better option. Our team members will help you decide the optimal approach for your particular situation.